
Quick And Easy Ways To Destress Naturally

Life can sure throw the occasional curve ball, can’t it? When that happens, it’s important to take a moment and find ways to destress naturally in order to revitalize your body, mind, and spirit. Destressing techniques do not need to be complicated. But they should boost your energy and improve your focus. So, if you’re …

7 Ways to Boost Happiness Naturally

7 Ways to Boost Happiness Naturally

Nobody feels happy all the time. In fact, that isn’t even a healthy or realistic goal. But if you’ve been finding yourself feeling a bit down and in a funk more often than not, it might be time to take a new approach. Luckily, there’s a lot you can do to boost happiness naturally. Generally …

Toxic Wellness Culture: Why Over-Focusing on Health Is Keeping Us Sick

Do you feel like you’re chasing your tail with symptoms, supplements, protocols, and practitioners? Are you obsessed with health? I believe that many of us have unknowingly become part of Toxic Wellness Culture… and over-focusing on our health and symptoms is actually making us sicker.

10 Tips for a Mentally Healthy Holiday Season

Do the holidays (or certain people or traditions) have you feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed? Here are 10 tips for a mentally healthy holiday season to help you make it through with love and boundaries instead of stress, depression, and anxiety.

I No Longer Sell Beautycounter (here’s why)

I no longer sell Beautycounter. Though I thought it could become a profitable part of my work-at-home business, I quickly realized that I can’t and won’t be part of the larger beauty industry — an industry that sells women the lie that they aren’t beautiful just the way we are. Here’s my why.

6 Ways To Support Gut Health While Taking Anti-Anxiety Medication (beyond bone broth, probiotics, & ferments!)

Here are 6 ways to support gut health while taking anti-anxiety medications. These go deeper than simply drinking bone broth, taking probiotics, or eating fermented food. Because if you’re on prescription medications for your mental health, you need the big guns!

I’m Super Crunchy… But I Take Anti-Anxiety Medication (& here’s why)

Some physical health issues turned into major mental health problems, exacerbating the mental illness I already had. Despite using oils, supplements, herbs, and other natural things, I opted for allopathic, pharmaceutical help. I’m super crunchy, but I take anti-anxiety medications. Here’s why.

5 Things That *Really* Helped My Anxiety

Insomnia, heart palpitations, irrational thoughts, second-guessing, a knot in my throat… Anxiety. My anxiety isn’t paralyzing me anymore because I have been using these 5 things that really help! This is a holistic approach to relieving the symptoms of anxiety — physically, emotionally, and mentally!

Losing Myself… 11 Years Of Postpartum Depression & How I Found My Way Back

After almost 12 years, I’m sharing my story of trauma from postpartum depression and the way EMDR therapy set me free from the darkness and helped me find my way back to true happiness without guilt, fear, and shame.

15 Ways To Practice Self-Care

A woman who does any of these things is the furthest thing from selfish. Rather, she is sure enough of herself to know that her world comes crumbling down because of her own self-neglect. It is a confident momma — not a selfish momma — who can ask for help, insist on time to herself, expect her family to pitch in, or admit that she doesn’t have it all together.